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All posters as a general overview
in format DIN A4

Celebrating the Word of God: Bereshit & In the Beginning

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

The Earth belongs to God, in all its fullness: Working & Caring

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

Liberated from slavery and death: Pesach & Easter

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

The joy of growing up: Bar/Bat Mitzvah & Confirmation

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

The spirit that inspires: Shavuot & Pentecost

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

Called by name: Naming & Baptism

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

Time-out: Shabbat & Sunday

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

Connecting past and present: Tikkun & Repair

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

Celebrating reconciliation: Teshuvah & Repentance

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

The many gifts of nature: Sukkot & Thanksgiving

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

Remembering for the Future: Zachor & 9 November

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

Wonder-full: Hanukkah & Christmas

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture

We drink to life: Purim & Carnival

Poster DIN A4

Poster as a picture


Titelmotiv der Kampagne

jüdisch und christlich –
näher als du denkst
Eine ökumenische Kampagne

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  • FAQ
  • Grafische Gestaltung

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Coverbild-851×315 px

Event Coverbild-640×360 px

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Linkvorschau-1200×628 px

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Storybild-1080×1920 px


Profilbild-A-110×110 px

Profilbild-A-110×110 px

Feedbild-1080×1080 px

Feedbild (Hochformat) 1080×1350 px

Feedbild (Querformat) 1080×566 px

Storybild-1080×1920 px


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Feedbild-1024×512 px

Profilbild-400×400 px

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