Liberated from slavery and death

Liberated from slavery and death: Pesach & Easter

A Jewish voice

Short version

Pesach celebrates Israel’s exodus from slavery in Egypt. In memory of this act of God’s liberation, a festival is celebrated for one week that is more deeply rooted among religious and secular Jews than probably any other Jewish holiday. During the festive week , all grain products are banned from the home and in their place „unleavened bread,“ or matzah, and other products made from matzah flour are eaten.

A central commandment of the festival is to tell the children about the Exodus and liberation in order to enable them, too, to identify with Israel’s history in this way. Thus, the week of Pesach begins with the Seder evening: family and friends or even community members gather for a feast that follows a specific order („seder„). At the center is the collective reading of the Haggadah, the narrative of the Exodus from Egypt, enriched with commentaries, psalms and songs. This is accompanied by the consumption of symbolic foods intended to illustrate the bitterness of slavery. This ritual is aimed at children and adults alike, because everyone is invited to experience themselves as part of this story and to make it their own.

Long version

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