The many gifts of nature

The many gifts of nature: Sukkot & Thanksgiving

A Jewish voice

Short version

Colorfully decorated leafy huts, from which the clatter of dishes and singing emanate and are heard outside, these are the signs of Sukkot. This seven-day festival, with its many colors and symbols, seems like a contrast to the all-white High Holidays that have just ended. And yet, Sukkot, which is full of senses, also reminds us that people are not in full control of their lives. That’s why imitating the makeshift dwellings during the wilderness wanderings reminds us about human vulnerability and God’s care. The walls of the sukkah are thin, permeable to the world, one hears all the sounds around, and they offer no protection against cold and danger.

Sukkot also expresses thanksgiving for the fruits of the field and garden. The harvest has been brought in, only now is it time to celebrate. It is customary to invite guests to the sukkah – family, friends, neighbors, and, symbolically, significant figures from the Bible and Jewish history. They all are called to help fulfill the important commandment of the feast: to be joyful and rejoice in the richness of life.

Long version

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