Spirit, der bewegt: Schawuot beziehungsweise Pfingsten.
A Christian voice
Short version
Baptism stands at the beginning of every Christian life. It establishes Christianity and gives a share in the life of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul writes that in baptism a person dies with Christ, but also rises with him and gains new life. (Rom 6:1-11) Therefore, baptism includes a commitment to the way of life of Jesus and to his God. Christ leads people to communion with God and therefore also into a covenant with God. At the same time, communion with God is reflected in the community of the baptized, the church.
Baptism is – from its origin – for adult people who have decided to live as Christians because they have been moved by the good news of Jesus. When a child is baptized after birth, a Christian education is to be provided. In confirmation, the young adult then says his or her own yes. Baptism is not only the beginning of being a Christian. It shapes every Christian until the end of his or her life. Once baptized, baptized forever. Baptism cannot be undone, nor does it need to be repeated. Neither a formal departure from the church nor transferring to another denominational church has any effect on baptism.
Long version
Text is coming
#Jewish & Christian – Closer than you think?!