The Earth belongs to God, in all its fullness

The Earth belongs to God, in all its fullness: Working & Caring

A Christian voice

Short version

Taking stewardship of the earth and acting responsibly gains more and more importance in many Christian churches.

We affirm that God loves creation. God, the Creator, is the origin and sustainer of the whole cosmos. God loves creation […] Since creation is from God and His goodness permeates all creation, we are to hold all life sacred […] We affirm that the world has its own wholeness as God’s work and that land, water, air, forests, mountains and all creatures, including human beings, are ‚good‘ in God’s eyes […].“ These convictions have gained importance since they were first stated at the Seoul World Ecumenical Assembly in 1990. Many churches are looking for ways to put them into practice.

In the encyclical, Laudato si, (2015) Pope Francis speaks out against a self-destructive way of life. Never before have humans treated the environment so badly as in the last two centuries. In particular, global warming is “one of the most important current challenges facing humanity,“ which is why it is of great importance to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to phase out the burning of fossil fuels and to develop political programs for achieving this purpose. Furthermore, it calls for decarbonization of the global economy and a phase-out of oil and coal.

Many congregations look for ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to foster biodiversity in their community.

Long version

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