We drink to life: Purim & Carnival
A Jewish voice
Short version
Clowns of all sizes, knights, princesses, monsters, witches, zebras, rabbits and other imaginatively dressed characters have gathered in the synagogue, making noise with the help of rattles, stomping their feet, whistling and shouting „boo!„. And all this during the reading of a biblical book, Purim is the favorite holiday of Jewish children, because they are allowed to dress up to their hearts‘ content and do not need to sit still, because the noise is even part of the liturgy. Whenever the evildoer Haman is mentioned, an enormous noise breaks out to erase his name.
Listening to the Esther story is the most important commandment of the holiday. In addition, it is customary to give each other home-made sweets and food. The typical pastries for Purim are „Haman bags“ or „Haman ears,“ triangular cookies filled with poppy seeds, dates or jam. People in need are given food or money so that they too can afford festive meals. And why is it called the „Scroll of Esther„? Because the text of the Book of Esther is recited from a scroll (“megillah”) handwritten on parchment, similar to a Torah scroll.
Long version
Text is coming
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