Wonder-full: Hanukkah & Christmas
A Jewish voice
Short version
When all signs around us are pointing to Advent and Christmas, Jews celebrate Hanukkah. The Jewish festival of lights, which commemorates the uprising of the Maccabees against the Hellenists in the 2nd century BCE. is celebrated for eight days. After heavy fighting, the desecrated Jerusalem Temple was conquered and rededicated. A small jar of oil was -miraculously-enough to keep the lampstand burning for eight days. That is why Jews light one more light each day on the eight-branched Hanukkiah until all eight candles are lit on the eighth day.
The growing power of light radiates hope and makes the darkness give way. Hanukkah is a celebration of cultural self-assertion. At the lighting of lights in the evening, family and friends gather; they place the Hanukkah candlesticks in the window to tell the world about God’s miracles. Singing, playing, gifts for the children, and delicacies baked in oil, such as latkes and pancakes, make each evening a celebration.
Long version
Text is coming
#Jewish & Christian – Closer than you think?!